Jumat, 29 April 2011

Mupeng Clutch

Hahaha...ngga penting banged dey, cuma itulah kenyataan yg terjadi terhadap diriku. Gimana ngga keluar masuk dari satu toko ke toko lainna tapi ngga menemukan barang yg dicari. Yg ada mupeng akut...Gara-gara kebanyakan googling nie, jadi yg dimupengin macem-macem. Coba aku ngga kenal ma namana internet, ngga kenal namana online shop, ngga kenal ma namana ebay, ngga hidup di Djakarta kota metropolitan...pasti hemat cermat dan bersahaja...tapi tidaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkk...aku ngga bisa lepas ma namana internet.

Pertama liat pas aku googling DIY project wedding langsung tersepona ma clutch yang kayak ini nie ( lupa tapi bukana di situs apa, soalna asal save picture aja ) :

Simple banged ngga macem-macem, cuma bungana mencolok banged, tapi ngga tau kenapa jauh dari kesan lebay (klo menurutku lho...) Aku nyari dah puter-puter dari Plaza Atrium, Mall Kelapa Gading nyampe ke Senayan City ma Plaza Indonesia ngga ada model yg sama atau nyaris sama. Kalo ngga salah itu juga di jual di ebay, hargana ngga seberapa cuma ongkos kirimna yg ngga ketulungan dan lagi aku blum pernah nyobain beli di ebay. Putus asa kuadrat jadina. Sampai-sampai aku tanya ke jeng rere tau tempat bikin clutch ngga?? dia ngusulin ke Rumah Kado Solo aku dah nyoba tanya tapi ngga bisa nerima pesanan dengan model kayak gitu. Ada yg tau ngga pesen clutch kayak gitu dimana ya???any body help me??

Sempat terpikir oleh aku untuk DIY Project lagi, cuma takut gagal euy...Sebenarna dah dapat tutorialna di U Hand Bag isi tutorialna adalah :

Front view

Interior view

Flat bottom & side view

Here's how I put it together
You will need:

1.  Make up your purse frame pattern part.1
  The next two steps can apply to whatever non sew-on purse frame you happen to be using.  The main reason that patterns are not made for purse frames is because there are so many purse frame shapes!  This means we have to make our own patterns (ahhhhh!!)  Don't worry; it's quite easy... 
Take your frame and draw around the outside (just the outside, not the inside) of it, also include the points where the hinges stop.  I can now design my pattern around the outline of the frame.  If you look at the photo of my pattern I have used dotted lines for my pattern. 
You will see that the angles of my pattern are quite a bit wider then the right angles of the frame, this is because you want to create puffiness and body on the front of the purse (if you like, you can make the angles even wider.  The wider the angle the more puffy your purse will be - trust me, it will work out!)  I have also added a 1cm seam allowance onto my desired shape - be sure sure add on your desired seam allowance to your design. 
As you can see I wanted a triangular purse shape but you can design whatever shape you want as long as you remember to make the angles of the sides of the pattern a good bit wider than that of your purse frame.

The solid line is the outline of the frame, and the dotted outline is my designed purse pattern.

2.   Make up your purse pattern part 2 - locating the hinge part of the pattern.  An important bit to get right on our pattern is where the flaps open  on the purse (or in other words where the purse hinges will sit on the fabric...bear with me, it will be worth it!).  Place a top corner of your purse frame onto the top corner of your pattern so that you have lined it up with the (wide angled) sides of your pattern and measure your desired seam allowance (mine is 1cm) plus a few mm more from where the purse hinge ends.
Do what the blue writing says...
**UPDATE** Now you have read though how to make up a purse pattern from scratch, you can (if you wish) just copy this pattern instead.  I know that was tough love, but it's the best way to learn! :)
3.  Cut your fabric pieces. From your pattern cut: 2 pieces each of the Laundry day fabric, lining fabric, and the firm fusible interfacing heavy sew-in.  **UPDATE** I have found that using two layers of heavy sew-in gives a much nicer puffier finish to the the purse, so cut 4 pieces of heavy sew-in and use two either side.  Iron the fusible interfacing onto the wrong side of your exterior fabric (Laundry fabric).
4.   Sew  exterior bag.  Create a sandwich with the Laundry pieces (right sides touching each other) in the middle and the sew-in interlining on the outsides.  Pin everything together.  Starting from one of your hinge markings sew the sides and bottom of the exterior finishing at the other hinge markings as shown by wonky arrow in the photo.
5.  Create a flat bottom for your purse (you can skip this if you want to.  (If you do skip this bit, do round off the tips of the triangle to create nice curved corners and go straight to step 6.) Take one of the corners of your exterior bag and match the side seam with the bottom seam line.  Flatten to form a  triangle.  Measure 4cm down from the tip of the triangle mark the line with chalk and pin.  Stitch along the marked line and trim the excess fabric 1cm for the seam.  Repeat for the other bottom corner of the exterior.  Turn exterior bag right side out.
Flatten triangle and make your line 4cm down from the tip of triangle.
Trim off excess fabric, and there you go; one flat bottom!
6.  Sew lining. With right sides to gether mark the flap opening/hinge bit on the lining to match the mark you made on the exterior bag in step 2.  Sew the lining bag in the same way as step 4 EXCEPT YOU HAVE TO LEAVE AN 12CM OPENING IN THE BOTTOM OF THE LINING.
7.  Sew inner pocket if using (if not using proceed to step 8) - Make a mark for the snap on one of the pocket fabric pieces in the centre 1in (2 1/2cm) down from the top edge. Iron a 1in (3/8cm) square of fusible interfacing behind the marking.  Use a stitch ripper make two small slits (for the prongs) into the marking you have just made.  Take one of the non-magnetic snap half and push the prongs through the right side the pocket piece.  Slip a metal washer over the prongs at the back and then press the prongs down away from each other.  If you want to see mag snap pics check out step 5 of this tute.
Bring both pocket pieces RST, match all edges, pin and stitch all around sides and bottom, but leave a 4in (10cm) gap in the bottom edge for turning out. Turn pocket RSO, push raw edges of the gap into the pocket and iron.
On one of the bag lining fabric pieces make a marking in the centre 2 3/4in (7cm) down from the top edge for the magnetic half of the snap.  Insert the snap as before.  Place the lining pocket onto bag lining piece (so that magnetic snap halves click together).  Check that the pocket is straight (and not wonky) on the lining, pin and stitch all around the sides and bottom of the pocket - stitching the gap in the pocket shut as you sew.
8.  Stitch the bag lining -  Sew the lining bag in the same way as steps 5 & 6 except there is no fleece to work with.
 9.  Bring the exterior bag and the lining bag together - Place the purse lining WSO into the exterior purse (RSO).  The wrong sides of the lining and the exterior should now be touching each other. Carefully match all seams and raw edges of the lining purse to the exterior purse and pin at the top edge.
Stitch the exterior and lining together neatly all around the top of the purse no more than 1/8 (3mm) from the edge. Be especially neat at the side seams as these will show on the finished purse.  If necessary tidy up the top edge by trimming off any stray uneven fabric or interfacing.

 10.  Now for the glue - Apply glue to the channel of one of the sides of the frame.  Work with one side of the purse at time.  Start at the hinge and work your way to the other hinge.  Be quite generous with the glue (but not enough to cause an oozing mess!)  Apply glue to the side and top edge of your purse, again be generous - if you are a bit clumsy you might want to mask the bit of the purse that will not be inserted into the frame with some tape.  It doesn't matter if glue oozes onto the frame but it is a pain if it gets all over the fabric.  Allow the glue to become touch dry (wait at least 5 mins).
Be quite generous with the glue.  This glue btw is the business, it's got more grip than a pot of lobsters!

11.  Insert your purse into the frame - Start by inserting the sides of your purse into the frame (hinge end first) then work your way up to the top corners.  Use a pointy object to poke and stuff the fabric evenly into the frame - small sewing scissors are perfect for this job.  After you have inserted the sides of the purse into the frame, start inserting the top edge of the purse into the frame.  You'll see that the top edge of the purse is a little wider than the top edge of the frame - this is intentional because we want the top edge to be a little gathered. Continue to stuff the fabric into the top edge of the frame and space the gathers out evenly.   Turn the purse over to check that the lining side is also inserted evenly into the frame.  Leave to dry for 15min before tackling the other side of the frame and purse in the same way. 
Let everything dry for about 30 mins and then pick off any stray glue from the frame. 
Sides go into the frame first.
Poke the fabric right into the frame with tips of scissors - work your way around the frame evenly. If you have sewn a frill take extra care to wodge and stuff the top frilled edge of the purse into the frame.  It might be slightly more awkward to have the frill to contend with, but the frill actually makes for a stronger purse - so the frill is worth the (slightly) extra hassle :)

Flip your purse over and check that the lining side is even as well.
As this bag is big, I highly recommend using purse making cord to reinforce the bond between the frame and the purse.  Stuff the cord into the lining side of the frame using the pointy tool as before.

12.  Make the strap - take the strap fabric and make the strap in exactly the same way as step 3 in this tute (except there is no fleece to work with).  Thread one of the strap ends thru the ring of the bolt snap and stitch the end down (stitch forward and reverse a couple of time for strength).  Repeat with the other strap end and bolt snap. Clip the strap onto your bag and skip off to the shops with a spring in your step. You're looking great, Honey!

Tinggal di ganti jenis kainna sama dipermak dikit ukuranna, kalo masalah hiasan aku dah pernah bikin dan berhasil tinggal bikin tasna aja. Haduw dilema....mendingan beli jadi aja dey klo ada yg jual...

6 komentar:

  1. waaa.. kalau memang ntar jadinya bikin sendiri, bener - bener sangat kreatif dirimuu... !! salutee!! :)

  2. hail for you, if you're actually making that one out, nenny!! ayo2 bikin! mana tau bisa jadi objekan in the future :)

  3. @ andhini : pengen buat sendiri...tapi baru memikirkan baik burukna...dampak klo gagal...hahahaha...
    @ ana : haduw....ntar klo jd bikin aku posting...hahaha

  4. wiiiii hebatt klo emank dirimu jd say,, top markotop dahh :D

  5. doakan saja...klo jadi sukses ntar aq buatin km dey.hehehe...

  6. di jogja aku kesulitan dapetin frame nya ini. adanya model ibu2 itu utk bag gede. love the frame but hate the handle... terlalu emak2... hahhaha. ada yang bisa kasih tau aku dimana belinya. OL shop jg tak apa, ty in advance.
